
easy wood projects
What makes me go Hmmm is Racism I dont understand it at all, I mean to dislike or hate someone based on skin colour? that actually makes me go WTF!!?? I just dont understand that concept, and I can see no reason or justification to dislike/ hate anyone simply because they have a different skin colour than me its just makes no sense and Boggles my mind, its a foreign concept to me.
Same with Sexuality disliking or hating someone because of their sexuality? its absolutely ridiculous! I dont care if your God says _________ is a sin, who the HELL are you to Judge? Judgement is reserved for YOUR God . NOT YOU, and chances are the person will never meet your God anyway, they probably have a nicer less judgemental God than you, so why even concern yourself with the gender of another persons partner? just makes no sense and it Boggles my mind , here is something to ponder if you are against gay marriage, and want absolutely nothing to do with it . simply dont marry a gay person! marry someone who is the same sexuality as you problem solved!
Money .. this too makes me go Hmmm . yes money is a necessary evil, we all need some to live give money get food gas clothes etc. but people do not need as much money as they think they do , and it baffles me how most everyone forsakes family, life and the pursuit of happiness to chase the almighty dollar, yes money is pretty important, but no it is NOT the MOST important thing in life, yet people covet it, hoard it, kill for it . imagine killing someone for a piece of paper and some round metal disks! ( coins) . pretty stupid really!!
Material Objects another thing that completely stupifies me people and small families who build/buy HUGE houses and go hundreds of thousands if not millions in debt . WHY? Why do you and your family of 3 or 4 NEED that 9,000 square foot mcmansion with 6 or more bedrooms, 3 bathrooms 3 car garage pool etc. . why? just why? are you trying to boast to everyone how successful you are? hey look at ME, I HAVE the Biggest house on the block (even though I use less than half of the living space) I have the biggest shiniest fanciest most expensive car , I have the nicest furniture genuine sacred cow leather, and the latest electronics look at ME Im better than YOU! is that what youre thinking? . really? if so, then youre also the biggest and most stupid Jackwagon on the Block! . what ever happened to living within your means? is it worth going into deep debt just to try and impress everyone around you? .. makes absolutely no sense to me.
Religion . this one completely baffles me I believe in God, I have my Faith , and occasionally I attend the local church, not because going to church makes me a good Christian oh hell no, I simply go now and then to socialize , I am quite sure that some in that church do not believe what I do nor do they keep their faith as I do and thats okay who am I to judge or say whats right or wrong It baffles me how people use Religion to justify HATE, (Hate towards anyone who doesnt believe as they do) it stupifies me how people try to use the Bible to oppress others and impose their will on others . to me these are not people of God they are self righteous hypocritical windbags who give the rest of the Christians a bad reputation (guilty by association) , same goes for Muslims the average Muslim is quite peaceful and does not try to impose their faith on others then you get the right wing Loons ( same with Christians) who wage Holy wars and try to impose their beliefs on everyone else ( Christians are just as guilty of genocide just look at the Crusades, Spanish Inquisitions, what they have done to the Aboriginal peoples in North America, how they corrupted and defiled almost every country and nation on the planet etc) we act all shocked and horrified when break away groups like ISIS start killing people and waging a Holy war against everyone who doesnt believe in the same brand of Religion as them . yet under the guise of our Christian God we have done the same damn thing repeatedly , throughout history . Religion gets more people killed than anything else and that just baffles me regardless of Faith isnt Religion supposed to be about peace love and harmony loving everyone regardless of their beliefs sexuality skin colour language . just pure unconditional love towards everyone and each other but that is not what they preach in churches . it baffles me on how people die in the name of God / Allah or any other dang name you wish to call him/her/it/them it is just downright stupid all the way around and it baffles me.
It absolutely baffles me how we send Billions of dollars in AID to other countries Africa,Bangladesh,Somalia etc. . yet we cant even feed and house our own poor it baffles me why we send our resources that are needed here to other countries then spit on our own poor . just makes absolutely no sense, shouldnt it be look after our own first and help all others second?I am not heartless but I also dont understand why we funnel Billions of dollars to these have not countries for decades , and they themselves have not improved their situation . where are the water wells? where are the schools? where are the farms? where are the fisheries? where are the medical centers doctors nurses etc ?why are they not using the money to better themselves? all those countries should be able to stand on their own feet after 30 + years of AID from the rest of the world , if they havent learned to use the funds to better themselves by now , they never will and have become reliant on Global Handouts . perhaps its time to stop sending money and start using that money to help our own people .. it makes no sense to put other countries on a Global welfare system ( really that is what foreign aid truly is) and use the money here in our own countries to help the poor . there is absolutely no reason why a person/family should be without housing, food,education, medical etc. here in our own countries , the Government and nonprofit agencies all say , we lack funding, we dont have enough money to feed and house and give the basic necessities of life to the poor . OF COURSE you dont have enough money or funding or food or resources to help the poor . your sending all the resources overseas to other countries . you are all taking the food and housing and education and medicare away from our own poor and giving it to someone who probably has no idea where North America even is! . baffles the hell right outta me.
It astounds me that we have an unlimited supply of wind power, solar power, Hydro power , Bio fuels, etc and the technology to utilize these forms of power yet we constantly rely on dead dinosaurs (oil) for all things . Oil is obsolete yet we kill each other for it and we all bitch and whine at the gas pumps . why are we even still using gas powered cars? and why do you the suburban warrior require that big gas guzzling ozone frying air polluting all wheel drive SUV?? a compact car is not big enough for you , hubby, and your 3 kids? why do you need all wheel drive or four wheel drive in a city? really are the potholes truly that bad that you need an off road vehicle? listen running over a concrete curbs does not qualify as four wheeling!! why? just why? buy a 4 cylinder mini van if you need room , funny I can seat 5 people in my little Aveo and still put $300 worth of groceries in the trunk! how big of a vehicle to do you really need?? . seriously?
I dont understand why we dont just leave the oil alone and stop using it Boats can use wind power, solar power, bio fuels, planes can run on biofuels , if thats too freaky for the rider use the petroleum they use now , let the military use petroleum and civilians can use alternative sources, you dont even need natural gas to heat a house any more , you can use natural geothermal we have the technology to go completely off oil and petroleum use, yet we are just too damn lazy to use it , it is easier to pay thousands of dollars per year on new petroleum cars , easier to pull up to a gas pump , easier to connect a wire than a solar panel to a house, its just stupidity and laziness thats all people are just too comfortable with the status quo, they cry but jobs will be lost if we stop using oil yes some will, but people can be retrained to work on wind turbines and solar panels etc.. refer to sending the money to other countries people can be retrained and new jobs created really there is no excuse and that just baffles me.
it baffles me on why we are still cutting down forests to build houses you would think a brick would be less expensive than a tree a brick is made of clay, clay is a free resource in the ground, sandstone and granite also free from the ground hell we have Mountains made entirely of the crap rocks and clay dont burn wood does so why are we raping the forests to build combustible houses? . makes no sense to me at all.
These are just some of the things that make me go Hmmmm and some even make me go WTF?? I dont claim to be right or wrong, these are just some things that make me scratch my head and wonder why? thats all .
Anyway, thats all for now folks, so Remember:express your love often, never take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others.
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