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Technically there are 4 candidates to choose from , in no particular order they are Elizabeth May , leader of the Green Party , Thomas Mulcair , leader of the NDP ( New Democratic party) , Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party, and finally Stephen Harper , Leader of the Nazi Party , er I mean Progressive Conservative Party .
Elizabeth May is out for sure, the Green Party only has 1 seat in Government, they are so hopelessly small and so far out to lunch they dont even really count when it comes to Politics. I am not entirely sure what exactly the Green party stands for other than Environmentalism, to the vast majority of Canadians who are at least semi aware of the Green Party, they are thought of as an Environmental group playing politics and seldom taken seriously , it would be like Greenpeace running for office in the USA . same sort of thing.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party Personally I do think the Liberals should be in power, the last time the liberals were in power, they balanced the budget, Canada was debt free and had a 13 Trillion dollar surplus , they made same sex marriage legal and made sure the LGBT community had Equal rights the same rights every Canadian takes for granted, They believe it is a womans right to choose what to do with her own life and body , they are pro choice, unemployment across Canada was low and the Canadian Dollar was stronger than the USs .. their downfall the Long gun Registry , which basically turned every hunter and farmer into criminals for owning rifles , and did nothing to curb gun violence , it made it easier for criminals to obtain guns while making it near impossible for law abiding citizens obtain firearms. . as long as they dont try to force the registry on us again , they would be the best choice for Canada.
Thomas Mulcair and the NDP Party . I truly fear these @ssholes , they are bad news for Canada, and will completely destroy our Great nation within the first 4 years of power, every single province that had the NDP leading them was left a barren wasteland of high unemployment, everyone who could afford to fled the provinces , they took the wealthiest provinces and turned them into the poorest , this is a FACT , just google them, they destroyed British Columbia and it has never fully recovered, they destroyed Saskatchewan , and that province is still trying to fully recover from their reign of tyranny and policies , they have utterly destroyed Manitoba, manitoba is now the poorest province in Canada, they are now in control of Alberta , which was a very prosperous province, rich in oil reserves and other resources, the NDP have stated point blank that they want to shut the oil industry down , that the Government should own all the resources , sadly the young folks buy into what the NDP are selling with absolutely no knowledge of the NDP track record so they vote for them. If they leave a trail of mass unemployment and poverty in every province they have held power in . just imagine what they will do to an entire Country . Canada will be destroyed within 4 years.
Stephan Harper , and the Progressive Conservatives or otherwise known as Satan and the Nazi Regime . he has been in power for the last 12 years, he cares less about the environment, in fact he has removed the protected classifications on more than 5000 fresh water lakes , shrunk national parks and tried to do away with nature reserves, He deliberately got us kicked out of the UN ( we no longer have the right to an opinion or idea concerning world affairs) , he spent that 13 trillion dollar surplus within 6 months of being in office on big oil companies and other big industry and has put Canada so deep in debt it will take 20 years to recover, he fought against medical marijuana and stopped funding for science and technology , he cares less about global warming and has been trying to shove the oil pipelines down our American brothers and sisters throats , failing that he plans to run pipelines across Canada from the west to the east , right through park land and nature preserves and delicate wetlands , not to mention right through Aboriginal territories and lands with no regard for how they may feel about it, he absolutely does not give a damn about the ecosystem, Aboriginals or anyone for that matter, all he cares about is big oil and kissing the USAs ass . He was voted in simply because he did away with the long gun registry and the farmers and hunters are no longer criminals for owning rifles.
I will be utterly shocked if Harper gets voted back into power , and sadly I will not be surprised to see the NDP take power, there are millions of new young voters who buy into their social programs and environmental ideals , but they vote without knowing the NDP history without knowing what the NDP have done to every province they have governed. it will be a ruddy miracle if the Liberals get into power again, I think they will be the official opposition ( they will take second place) .
Regardless of who you Vote for , if you are Canadian get out there and Vote , have a say in what goes on in Canada , but choose wisely , we ALL have to live with the consequences of your vote.
So thats all for now , Remember Folks : express your love often, never take tomorrow for granted , and be kind to others .
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