easy wood projects
So Basically the challenge is to go take a photo of whatever you wish then write a paragraph or story to it . yall know me motor mouth!! the chances aint too good that I will limit myself to just one paragraph lol
So here is picture number 1 :
So today I took Memphis ( my doofy dog) for a good walk down this grid (gravel) road, this is going North out of the Village that I live in, did you know Saskatchewan Canadas slogan is The Land of the Living Skies its even on our licence plates, Nothing but Big Blue Skies as far as the eye can see in any direction.
My destination is just about a quarter mile down the road from that old farm hidden behind that stand of trees down yonder . that stand of trees is about ohhh Id guess a 2 mile walk (sorry the photos are not high def, I used my cell phone) , so I kind of cheated a bit, since I dont want to walk all the way out to my final destination each and every day for the next week , I took 8 photos today of various things along my walk, I think you will be pleasantly surprised when I get to my destination :)
I can hardly wait for everything to turn green again and the fields all planted, then you will see the true beauty of Saskatchewan and why I choose and love to live out in the middle of nowhere , after braving the winters up here, the reward for sticking it out comes late spring early summer.
So anyway , thats it, day 1 of the 5 day photo challenge, I hope you enjoy the picture(s) and the stories that follow them, and hey if youre up to it, join in the challenge and post a picture and tell everyone a bit about the picture so that is my challenge to all of you :)
and Remember folks : express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others
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